Step 1: Log in to your LMS account.

Open the portal using the following link and use the credentials provided by the ICT office to log in.

Step 2: Site home

Once you log in, scroll down to Navigation and click on Site home.

Step 3: Available Courses

Click on the three dots, and click Find in page, this allows you to navigate the list of courses easily.

Step 4:  Confirm the lecturer teaching that unit.

Before enrolling in any unit, please confirm that you have selected the unit taught by the correct lecturer. Use the arrows to navigate the page.

Step 5: Input the enrolment key provided by the IT office.

An enrolment key will be provided by the ICT office.

Step 6: Enrol yourself in the Unit.

Step 7: In the case, you enroll in the wrong unit, scroll down the course profile and click on unenroll.