Upload and print documents using your phone

Step One: Open MyQ App.


Step Two: Click the Jobs Tab and click the plus sign on the top right corner.




Step Three: Allow MyQ to access your folders/storage (This is a one-time prompt).




Step Four: Select the file you want to print and click Save job.

You have successfully uploaded the file to the MyQ Server and ready for printing.


Step 5: Printing options.

You can print in duplex mode (that is back-to-back) by checking the checkbox or single page by unchecking the checkbox.

You can print in color (uncheck the B&W option) or black and white (check the B&W option). Please note that the cost varies fro. 


Proceed to the printer and log in to print using the PIN you were sent in email.

NOTE: Printing is a charged service therefore you will be required to top up your MyQ account with credit. The payment details and instructions are shared on this link.